When a
Many city night spots have professional TV impersonation acts or even complete reviews, come to them every so often. troup or just a single plays a club nearby, you can suggest a night out or just happen to decide to go to the X club. Use the food, the mood, the waitress, the sexy floor show as your reason and the TV will be a "surprise" to both her and you. Most woman I have noticed at these soirees get a few tinkles of laughter and some amazed looks on their faces. Usually they take any such TV- eeing as good clean fun. A word of caution: don't overexpose. Overexposure can give you away. Patience, restraint and perse- verence and some real finesse will pull you through. Let up to six months pass and then remember for her how she was tickled at the antics of the delightfully funny and overly.pretty TV. Let her know you enjoyed it and would like a repeat. "Let's go. Odds are she'll agree. But be careful that this part of the ed- ucational program does not interfere with any plans that she might have considered somewhat important. Never let any resentment en- ter her mind because you want her to go. She'll begin to wonder why. This is your party to give, not hers.
(Editor's Comment: With apologies to the author for inter- rupting his story I feel that I must make an observation. I know of several cases in which a TV husband or boyfriend took the girl in question to impersonator shows and thereby made matters worse for a long time in the future. If the professionals were true TVs and the lines and acts were really good and clean the effect would be helpful. But usually the impersonators are gay, the lines are full of double entendre, the atmosphere of the place is not very high class and the audience may not seem impressive to the girl. The result is that she receives a very negative impression about the art of impersonation and thereby associates the bad feeling about the night club acts with the activities and desires of her boy friend or husband with these circumstances much to his disad- vantage. So I would caution a lot of care and consideration of the girl and the club before I would use this means of indoctrin- ation. It can be helpful if the circumstances are right, but it can be very definitely disastrous as several case histories known to me demonstrate.)
Lovemaking. Every courtship has it. Here is where you can pioneer the thought of inseparability between girl and feminine